Nightclub Culture: For drinking & partying or becoming hotspots for promiscuous sexual activities?

Siddhant Tripathi
2 min readJun 25, 2022

The aging of the western world has created a long-term demand trap.

To answer your question it is important to understand two things:

What is a nightclub?

Why do people go to a nightclub?

Answer to the former question:

A nightclub is a place for people to go, if they want to have fun meaning either breaking it down on the dance floor, getting drunk with/without their friends, and/or taking part in social interactions (often with sexual interactions as a hoped outcome).

Answer to the latter question:

Note that a nightclub is seldom a place silent enough for proper conversations with neither friends nor foes nor potential partners — this states everything is superficial.

In turn means that if you are not content with only breaking it down on the dance floor/getting drunk, but also want social/sexual interaction you will have to work with/appeal to the superficial.

Therefore girls show more skin, wear more makeup and higher stilettos and boys work their hair better, wear their fanciest clothes, and push through on the physical approaches.

Nightclubs have many dangers, only some of which revolve around the ever-present women’s fears of being date-raped. The moment you walk into a nightclub and take that first drink, at any time afterward, management can have you tossed out and/or arrested for public intoxication. It’s simply up to the management from then onwards, because they don’t need a reason, just a whim. Granted, they’ll lose customers if they do it too often on a whim, but most clubs have long lines eager to step inside and replace you, so it might not help.

Have you ever been to a dog park and watched the dogs sniffing each other’s butts?

Well, a nightclub is a human equivalent; most of the time even worse!

They are a pseudo status symbol for the young, the very young, and the obligatory oldster who has not realized that after ten pints at the club, straight males will tell each other that they love each other, “You’re my brother, blah-blah.”

Trash music, over-priced watered-down drinks, no culture, boys in over-priced clothes, dancing like filthy dogs, etc. are the aesthetics of a nightclub.

If you pick up a female companion, it is very likely that the ensuing sex would be like putting a marshmallow in a slot machine.

Bouncers whose job it is to prove that even fat ugly balding men can tie a band to a wrist and who can read the word VIP, which is written on every pass belonging to every person in line.

Honestly, knowing the recidivism rates for crimes like unsafe sexual activities, rapes, even murders, and often habitual fighting means that anyone who’s done these things before will do them again if given the opportunity. Don’t let the need yours have a fun time become their next opportunity.

The given video from India in Details ( will provide a better point of view on the “Western Nightclub Culture” & related threats:

Watch, share, and spread awareness!



Siddhant Tripathi

Creative content developer and bilingual translator (5+ yrs. work experience)